Yet to Discover!!! A wingless bird, sitting at its own desk, flying across borders and boundaries. I love to create magic with words. WORDS are my best friends and I love playing tricky games with it.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Five Best Ways to Spend your Birthday
2. Sit back and analyse your self. Calculate your past year and plan your next year. Make dreams for the heading year and draft plans to reach your dreams.
3. Make sure to place your orders at your mother’s kitchen, instead at a restaurant.
4. Make a visit to an orphanage or old age home and spend your time there peacefully and wholeheartedly. Spend one third of your treat budget for their basic needs and make them happy. This is a best way to get hearty wishes. The common prayer they do for you will help you achieve success in life.
5. Make sure to plant a tree on your birthday, which will grow in parallel to you, you can see your success and growth, in terms of the tree’s growth. By doing this, you are also indirectly contributing to rain and prosperous future of the nation.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Hunger or Fashion!!!
Debating on Food and Culture has a major impact on the contemporary society, especially among youths and elites. Though we call food as a basic need of human, the current trend is slowly shifting the concept of food as a hobby and pleasure. Youths feel proud to brand themselves as ‘Food Freak’, who does not actually understand the depth of seriousness in being so.
When we calculate the poverty line of India, the core calculation is done in terms of food scarcity, followed by shelter. A recent study has witnessed a pathetic point that there are roughly about 40 million people are suffering from food scarcity. Controversially, the same study breaks the ice with a disgusting and shameful result that Indians waste around 5025 tonnes of food, year by year. It is shameful for every Indian that though our country ranks World’s third position in agricultural exporting, we face hunger and tears constantly.
Huge number of foreign firms has come to down to make profit through food business, whereas the true Indians still suffer for their essential amenities. One single concept that fuels this entire scarcity is ‘Eating for Fashion’ or ‘Eating for Hunger’. Today, major half of elites and youths see eating as a concept of fashion, instead of the basic hunger instinct. Going to a restaurant and ordering for more than what you can actually eat is equal to a crime. When 1000 people are suffering in hunger in front every hotel and other outlets, how are we going to justify ourselves in seeing eating as a fashion and image identity?
Some people keep on ordering foods in restaurants just to while away the expected time of their outing. Some others order foods just for enjoying the taste of the dish, even without knowing what it actually is. The actual reality confirms that there are few folks who end up eating rotten food, to make them survival of the fittest.
Remedies that can be done:
1. Respect food and thank God for the food he has given us.
2. Place your orders as per your hunger level, do not place surplus orders.
3. Do not waste food, either at home or restaurant.
4.If what you have ordered for you seems to be more than what you actually eat, please do not leave off by just paying your bill, and leaving the food in the table itself. Ask the waiter to pack the leftover food, so that you can lend to people whom you see that they are in need of food for their survival. Kindly do not hesitate, as you are the owner of the remaining food, too.
5.Teach your kids, the essentiality of food and make them realise that food should not be wasted.
6. Cultivate eating habits right from childhood.
7.Donate in form of foods, than as cash.
After all, all that we do in life is to meet the food needs of life, even thieves stole for meeting his self and his families eating needs. Save food!!! Save lives!!!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Play Way Method
Parents are feeling proud to make the kids recite poems and stories in front of their relations. Parents’ attitude towards society and the growing technology are the major challenges for kids.
Science and technology has taken a greater altitude of growth and the children are forced to keep themselves updated on these technologies. If a kid is not aware of basic computer operations, the parents’ feel it to be a sign of disgrace and embarrassment among their peer group.
Society is throwing a lot of expectations from the kids even before they actually enter the competition. Pre school bags are heavier than their lunch boxes. The concept of play school was introduced to make the kids get used to being out of home and to develop sportive attitude among fellow kids.
Teaching alphabets through music and stories through visuals will interest the kids’ attitude towards learning. It is pathetic to see the loads of book, the kids carry their way to school. Schools are definitely not voted as a place of interest for kids. They feel it to be only burden and compulsion.
Understanding the difference between learning and reading becomes an essential part here. Our schools concentrate only on reading, which is completely an academic oriented concept. Learning becomes life oriented and a piece of interest for kids. Learning stays deep in mind forever, whereas reading gets overwritten after every new concept.
Activities and fun must be the core concepts of pre schooling which will kindle the interest of learning. This type will help in identifying the strengths of kids’ right at the beginning stage and it can be moulded as per the specific talents. Forced education should not be done at any stage of learning.
Teaching mode and materials should be modified as per the kids’ interests. Chalk piece and blackboard can take them no way longer at the present day scenario. Audio visual medium of education can be implemented and interactive class sessions can be encouraged to a greater extent. This will help in developing active participation of the kids.
Education systems must focus learning as the sole aim of schools at least at the level of kinder garden. Loads of books and heavy lessons will impede the interest of education at the child level itself.
The word ‘Teacher’ must be replaced by ‘caregiver’ and ‘student’ must be replaced by ‘care-receiver’.
என் மனம்
உன் நினைவலைகளால் வருடிக்கொடுத்தேன்
வித்யாசம் தெரியாததால் அழகாய் உறங்கியது...
Say no to polythene bags !!!
Plastics happen to be a trendy and go-catchy mode of carrying things. Everyday each one of us does a lot of small and big things which create both direct and indirect impact to our globe. Awareness against usage of plastics must be cultivated in every individual. Poly bags have merit ranges such as user friendly, weightless, decent and comfortable in usage. Youngsters think that they become a fashion idle on using poly bags.
The adverse impact it creates to the earth and globe tremendous. Although most people realise it, the efforts we take to eradicate poly bags are very less. For each one of us, comfort comes first than health and environment. People must realise that every time we use a poly bag, we are donating to a worst cause of spoiling the earth and the globe.
No wonder if the entire globe turns to be garbage, few decades later. The non biodegradable plastics remain as it is on the ground and the poor part is we have a lot of residents around the garbage who eat and sleep on the lap of the filths.
Cows and dogs end up eating the thrash human throws and they make the most of their survival out of garbage. We, humans do not think about the consequences of our action.
A person at one part of the world throws a poly bag in a garbage will definitely not realise that they are slaughtering a cow or dog at some other part of world. Only when people start realising this, the usage of poly bags may reduce.
The increased result of ozone depletion may bring in a no-air world. Everyone should envisage the stipulation of next generation who would face the air tight nation. Is that what our generation is worth of?
Increased number of poly bag usage in multiplexes and one stop shops should be drastically reduced. Usage of trendy paper bags and jute bags must be encouraged. If every single person realises the impact and changes their attitude, the result we would attain can be tremendous.
Throwing of poly garbage on the roadside must be stopped consciously. People can develop an attitude of carrying their poly wastes in their own bags and they must habituate to dispose them in the non-biodegradable waste collectors.
To create awareness among the common public, manufacturing of t-shirts with cranky weird phrases must be replaced with slogans depicting the hazards of poly bags.
Let us all whole heartedly take an oath together to avoid using poly bags and to present the future generation, a world rich in green and peace.
Time Management
A famous quote reads “For every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned.” So, organising the available time in an effective manner is all about time management. Time management is a very effective skill to reach success both in personal and career.
Every single day is important in life and making the best of use of it, is very essential. Life lived to the fullest extent is the best lived life. This can be achieved only with proper planning and execution of the available time.
Time management skill will help in prioritising the work and executing accordingly. A hierarchy of tasks can be set based on the time and importance of it.
Time conscious is an effective factor for having a steady and growing career. Time conscious will kill the lay back attitude when loads of work left ahead untouched.
Having excessive time and being idle or having loads of work and not able to manage them in the available time are due to ineffective planning of time and abilities. One should work to the maximum possibility to avoid being idle and to make the best use of every second in life.
Being constructive and productive will help to gain a positive attitude about life. Times spent idle and useless will end up in self hesitation and irritation. You could end up hating yourself and people around you, if you are idle for more than a certain period.
Fix a time frame for each of your goal and be focused on reaching it. Make effective use of time and resource in building good rapport with people and skills.
One of the few things that cannot be earned in life is TIME. So it is better to spend it usefully and effectively. To have a stress free life, time management becomes very important. In the competitive world today, time is an imperative element to decide the winner. Effective usage will help in winning your goals and winning your life.
Spend at least a minimum part of a day in thinking and planning about the next day which will keep you prepared about your future. Make efforts to do a better planning and effective management. Effective time management can help in improving your skills and making the best use of every day.
Whenever there is a deadline given to you, fix up a personal deadline pretty ahead the actual one. Plan effectively and work accordingly to reach your personal deadline. This will help you gain respect and fame in your work and pear group.
Don’t let your goals and deadlines fly in air. Don’t keep postponing or altering your deadlines as per your comfort. Work smart to meet the planned timeline. Don’t wait till the neck of the moment to do a work which will give a hurry burry result.
Make sure you do not compromise both on quality and deadline of your work. Spend your time interestingly and significantly to set yourself a role model for others.
After reading this article, please block your clock for few minutes to think on the impact of TIME and plan to get the best out of it.
Love Chemistry !!!
ஏனோ, நீ எனை உன் carbondioxide ஆகவே பார்கிறாய் !!!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
பரிமாற்றம் !!!!
உன்னோடு நானும்
என்னோடு நீயும்
ஒரு வார்த்தை கூட
பேசாமல் பயணம் செய்தோம்….
ஆனால் நம்மை அறியாமலேயே
நம் மனங்கள் இரண்டும் ஒன்றை ஒன்று
பரிமாறிக் கொண்டு
இடம் மாறியதை
வீடு திரும்பிய பின்னர் தான்
நாமே உணர்தோம்.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Branding in B2C
Businesses that involves in selling of products and services directly to the end users will have to work carefully on the B2C marketing and advertising. This will definitely be a big boost up for the growth of the business, especially for the commercial trading. This helps in developing a good rapport between the business makers and the end users of products. One of the main business objectives that need a constant focus is the B2C concept. This concept is a very critical one since the impact it creates has a greater effect on sales and branding, both elevating and declining effects.
To draw effective results from B2C marketing and advertising, branding and brand management becomes the key concepts. Understanding the strategies of branding is a decisive concept of business making. One of the easy ways for the business makers to reach the consumer is through the impact of the branding.
The impact of b2c is measurable to a greater extent and this can be measured in terms of POP, the point of purchase. This is a vital concept in measuring the brand image of any product or service. This POP can be measured in terms of sales and demand of a product. Marketers need to plan their strategies in such a way that the POP of the product always facing growth. Business makers must show more attention towards brand image and they must make strong decisive ideas which will directly effect on the brand of a product.
It is a common essential fact that consumers will have expectations on the business makers and the vice versa. Both consumers and the business makers must work to reach the maximum level of expectations possible, which will result in brand accomplishment of any product. In B2C relationship, audience is an external part of the play and therefore completely understanding their level of expectation becomes practically tough for business makers. Here comes the real challenge of business makers to achieve success in branding. Medium of communication becomes very essential in planning the strategy of business development.
Brand promotion is another important concept of branding of any product. Advertising and sponsorship could be the possible ways of brand promotion. Trade shows and exhibitions could lead to a better result in measuring the brand value and image among the end users. It is very essential for the FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Good) producers to arrange for such shows at a frequent interval to test and measure their product value. Prior to arranging trade shows and exhibitions, there is another big concept that a company could follow to test the impact of their brand. It is the concept of pilot study. This will definitely give a brief idea of consumers’ notion on the product and the brand.
Branding is an imperative concept on any business making, especially in this competitive market field. If a particular product is in demand for a consumer, immediately their mind should choose a single brand. This can be done only with the help of branding. Just mere existence in the market among the peer products will definitely not pitch in profit and growth for a business. The more and more you emphasize on your brand, the more and more you get demand for your products.
A clever business maker who can plan amazing strategies to draw consumers’ attention will make use of the Demand-pull theory to increase their brand value. Just an ABC business maker cannot afford to take the risk level involved in the Demand-pull theory concept. In terms of economics and advertising, the demand-pull theory is proportionate relationship between the price and demand for a product. Among the marketers, it is commonly believed that the cost value of a product or service increases when the demand of the same surpasses the existing supplies. Giant business makers play a trick game in the market using this Demand-pull theory concept. They wontedly create a demand for their product through which they increase the price of the product. These people fetch in remarkable economic benefits on following this concept. However, this cannot be easily followed by any business maker. Branding and brand value is the pathway to reach the Demand-pull theory. Only if there is a common notion among the end users that only this particular brand gives the best among the others, can play the game of Demand-pull theory.
Branding helps in the operational performance and the identification of the brand in the market. Branding is the determination factor of both success and failure of a product and brand in the market.
One of the major tactics in developing the brand value and creating the branding effect for a product is the USP, the Unique Selling Proposition. I call this USP as a tactic way because it helps the marketers in making their consumers think about their product in the way they want them to. The impression that the consumer has on a product must just not be their own. The true branding comes in place here. If the perception of a product among the consumers’ is their own thought, the brand value of that product is yet to grow. A true business maker should make his consumer think the same way that thinks about his product. When creating the USP for a product, the marketer should keep in mind about their competitors and their USP.
To quote an example for better understanding, the USP of KFC chicken is ‘Finger licking good’. This automatically gives the eaters a feeling to taste the KFC food so much as to lick their fingers.
Brand name results in the brand equity of a product. It is nothing but the marketing effects and beneficial returns that a product obtains with its brand name and brand value. Brand equity value of a product can be measured by comparing its branding effect in relation to its competitive brand product. Brand name and equity are created only with the consumers' awareness of a particular product brand.
Branding and PR, the public relations are an intervened concept and the marketers should cleverly handle these two concepts together for obtaining higher brand value. The strategy planners should analyze maximum stand point of branding a product. Excessive hype of a brand may end up in complete failure of the same. Even if the product is the best among the competitors, it is always a must to have a saturation point for brand emphasize.
When we talk about branding, brand extension is another big concept for the marketers to play success with. If a brand has created a strong hope among the consumers’, they can now slowly indulge in planning the strategy of brand extension. Brand extension can be of positive note only if the existing product of a firm has the best of opinions among the public.
In common words, if person A is believed to be best in whatever he/she does, automatically people tend to have a positive hope and belief on whatever person A says.
To finally conclude, the impact of branding is the sole decision maker of profit making in a business. Creating the brand value will be the ultimate aim of any product and marketer. Branding is as essential as cement for a building construction. Without cement, building construction is not possible and with creating a brand value existing in the market on a long run is definitely impossible.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Optimist r Pesimist !!!
Examples can run to pages, but all that emphasis on a single point of note which is nothing but, winners do not do different things, but they do things differently.
Yes! At this point in time, the whole world is stuck up with a single notion that this is recession time and no glories could occur in the global economic zone. Every coin has two sides and the entire concept of recession stands no way exceptional to this common belief.
Recession, on the whole is believed to be an economical downfall of any business. However, this is the bird’s eye view of seeing this. As humans, we need to break out this shell and get down to the micro perspective of the actual concept of recession.
No recession can collapse human hopes and confidence. With confidence in self and constructive thoughts in mind, no recession can break off businesses. In fact, people can enjoy certain underlying benefits from this recession. Recession is a best time for innovating new businesses and do wonders with it. When everybody saw mobile phones as a posh gadget, Ambani family pioneered a new concept of cost cutting factor and made mobile a basic member of most Indian families.
If any brand could make their customer believe that this company can do well, no matter how the overall global economy stands, automatically it wins. If every company could think the same way, then the global economy is at rise.
Recession is the time for spendthrifts to realize the essentialities of life. India has around 35 to 40 percentage of people who always live in recession. Their economic level is always downfall and they never see a difference due to this new concept of ‘recession’ that the global economy is now debating about.
The real theory of recession has different shapes to name. The L-shaped, V-shaped, W-shaped and U-shaped recessions are the global concepts of recessions. Why don’t we discover an ‘N-shaped’ recession by giving a ‘New’ shape to it.
Only when there is a recession will people be able to understand the merits enjoyed during the non-recession period. When recession in IT has resulted to a big loss, the real estate business had given higher benefits to the consumers. Land rates have gone to a considerable level with which the dream of owning a land has come true for many people.
Our success will keep us happy, however it is only our pitfalls which will make us realize the hardships in life and it will make us play a tough game with life. Only when there is a tough competition, will the success gained be tastier.
An optimist will see recession as a time to innovate victory, whereas a pessimist will get discouraged and sit simple, saying it is recession time.
Now, people, it is in your hands to pick a choice between optimism and pessimism !!!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
If Not U, Who Else Can !!!
No one will hesitate to taste the delicious flavor of success. Self confidence is the backbone of all success worthy of discussion. Self belief is the right ladder to climb higher growth of deeds and reach the cream of success. Self Confidence is the key to make all your dreams come true! It is very essential to develop self confidence right from the childhood which will yield a constant development both in career and personal attitudes.
Self learning and Self realization will help in developing Self confidence. Always think positive of yourself and make sure that there is nothing impossible for you. Make efforts to reach success in whatever task you are involved in. Never ever give up your hard work, even if you continuously fail.
One thing is for sure, that your Self Confident will make others get interested in you and your activities. Make yourself a role model for everybody. Be charming and inspirable. Normal people should try for opportunities but imagine you display Self Confidence once to a gathering, opportunities will search for you the next turn.
Be energetic and approachable. Always wear a smile on your face with confidence and calmness. Do not over do and over perform even if you are well versed in that subject matter. You must inspire yourself and only then will others get inspired in you.
There are so many things in life that cannot be expressed outside. When somebody is asked a question that to who can they be extremely expressive of their thoughts and visions, there we get a plenty of answers like their best pal, my mother, my brother etc… but all these are absolutely unfair answers. How much ever we are close to somebody, being fully open to them is highly not possible. With none other than you mind and within yourself can you be completely expressive. So, think and communicate a lot to yourself which would invade an intellectual you that was not visible these many days. Discover yourself and improve your esteem your drives will turn to reality one day.
A key goal of Self Confidence is being open to failures and criticisms. Take all criticisms as compliments, which will help you grow better. Self confidence can help you overcome unexpected obstacles and stepping stones along the way. Have a broader vision of reaching success. Make perfects plans. Break down your broader vision to smaller, achievable goals. Build your self esteem and make you a better person. The world will see you as a Best person !! Be passionate about your goals and love your life.
Stay Motivated in all that you do. Plan the plan of your life. Planning is a very essential step, only with which could you correctly travel in the path of success. Keep up your enthusiasm and liveliness. Never loose your courage, even if you are defeated again and again.
Believe In Yourself until you reach your destination of success. Always be focused about your goals. Don’t be too scattered. Be the ruler of your mind.
Face Your Fears and failures. Treat your success and failures equally. Sharpen your skills.
Everybody have their own unique strengths and weaknesses. Identify your strengths and weaknesses and work to maintain your strengths. Transform your weaknesses to strengths. More than strengths, your weaknesses will help you learn your life.
The definitive secret to success is to stay motivated through thoughts and processes. Learn from your mistakes and believe in yourself. Keep up your chin always. You will taste the delicious delight of Success soon and ever.
(this article is published in Kovai Images, a Coimbatore based weekly news edition)
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Darkness ;
I love u for ur Darkness !
U make my mind brisk,
U make my heart fresh,
U make my thoughts flow,
U make my mood glow.
Yes, i accept. Lights are attractive !
But, my dear Darkness, You are amazing !!
Wit u around, things seem so pleasing and teasing.
U r the best innovation of God...
Darkness Everywhere... Happiness Everywhere...
World looks beautiful, wen wearing u !!!
Many feel Darkness is a bad sign,
But i say Darkness is confidence and brave !
The warmth u give, comforts me high !
Uneducated Education System
Indians are prominently celebrated across the world for our Education and talent. However, thz just a bird’s eye view. Looking deep down the roots of Indian Education system, yields a pathetic result of a complete imbalanced pattern of studies. Education cultivates culture in a man, so does it to the nation too. India contributes a high number Human Resource to the entire Globe, but we are no way nearing to a completed employed status. India produces diversified talents from Bureaucrats and Entrepreneurs to Mechanics and labors.
Indians dream to be the top best developed nation with all potentials. Our country aims to leave its trace in all the diversified departments over the sphere. Ultimately, we fail to analyze the status of Indians in our country. We, the Indians need to be aware that we need an enormous force of innovators and pacesetters for our own growth than contributing for global development.
Growth of our GDP and the status of our country among the fellow developing countries are based on the sale value of Indian Products across the world, whereas the fact being, Indians, ourselves, show least interest in buying and using Indian Products. This is not because of the quality of Indian products, but thz helps us to determine the quality of the Indian mindsets. This mindset needs to be structured and shaped right from the childhood for which the education system and the pattern is much responsible than anything else.
When we make a study across the Globe, more countries rely only on the Government standard of education. There are countries in the world who does not have a private education system at all. Rather in India, Government Education complexes are completely filled with complex issues, with insufficient infrastructure, incapable staff members and moreover unqualified Education ministries.
Private System of Education runs a pure business in the name of Education. One of the main profitable business in India is the Private Education system.
This difference affects the mindset of our Indian youngsters to a larger extent. This involuntarily builds up a complex among the children and this results in below average performance of many students.
Not that youngsters do not have a vision to look forward for Indian development, but the Education system does not let the students think beyond the borders. Graduates from Private Education System prefer a job abroad to earn back what they have exhausted during their education whereas Graduates from Government system face issues in going abroad as well getting a good placement here in India.
Current Education pattern is too pathetic for students to make a wise choice of their life path. Education, now in India, is no more a career of choice, but it is of compromise and compulsion. Educated and qualified staff members needs to be appointed at right places only then can the best talents can be brought to limelight. Another imperative constraint is the improper infrastructure in the Government Education premises. India has magnificent shopping malls, prevalent theme parks and multiplex theatres. Although, looking the school campuses, they are literally horrible and dangerous. We are coming across a plenty of infrastructural issues in Government Schools but improvement in that sector lies at the ground level itself. Houses of the ministers are mounting to touch the rise, whereas the school campuses are sick with shits. This needs a mandatory change completely across the nation, which will improve the literate level, both in quantity and quality.
The Education syllabus has to designed in such a way that it motivates the augmentation of innovation and creativity. Entrepreneurship skills needs to be taught right from the basic skill level, so that Indians become leaders than followers. Children has to be encouraged and guided to make new career choices that will help in the development of individual, family as well the nation.
A speedy revolution is a must in the Indian Education System, only then can India see Unity in Diversity.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Compliment... Costs Nothing !!!
When we could make someone feel that their work is acknowledged, it will be the best help that we could do to someone. Words of appreciation will yield unexpected values to human relationship. Nothing but words of motivation can make one reach higher than heights !!! Genuine compliments can result in tremendous victory. Be Real and Honest, Open and Frank in complimenting people. But make sure it is worth complimenting.
Make the receiver feel that u compliment directly from ur heart and not for the sake of it, even if it is !
Complimenting succumbs to happiness tat will last for ever and ever. Wear a smile on your face and your heart when passing compliments. When u can make wonder with simple words of appreciation, y delay in it !!! Be on ur toes, always, in complimenting real hard workzzz !!!
My Mom !! My World !!
U r the sweetest in the world !!!
U cared for me
even before i came to the world ;
u cared for me
even before i came inside u ;
mom... u r the best...
In love and care ;
In gud n bad ;
In past n present ;
In future n forever ;
U the one who spoke first to me ;
U the one who i wish to speak forever n ever ;
U pampered me much ; cared me much ;
I cant thanq for al tat u have done ;
but i wish i do tat all to u with more luv n care ;
I am sure i cant do to u
more than wat u did to me ;
But definitely my mom
I will try to be at my best
to earn u name n fame, wherever i be ;
What am today is al coz of u ;
U start my day ; u end it too ;
we where not so close always...
tats the only bad luck i ever had in life ;
I know how much u luv me ,
but am not sure if tat much can i luv u ;
My future looks blank
wen i think am gonnu be away from u ;
but dont worry my mom !
As like ever, u have given me a very best gift ...
who am sure wil bridge us forever !
He, my man !!! ur best selection for me ever !
Not tat we need a bridge ; but happy tat we have one ;
who will treasure us more than we do !
He is the best ; Just like U ;
Glad tat i c u in him ; More happy will u be
in hearing thzzz !
U r the precious gift God gave me !
U too gave me a precious gift !
who will take care of both u n me !
U r the best of 'moms'
never have i been best of 'daughters' !!!
I assure u hereafter wil i be ;
U r my piece of life ; U gifted me peace in life ;
U know am not much expressive ;
but i wish i express my whole luv to u !
I dont know how , but somehow ;
With u near me, i can be strong ;
Not always u stood by me, thru my victories n obstacles ;
But for sure,
U r my heart n soul ;
U will never make me fool ;
U where a friend,
not only to me but for my friends too !
My Mom... Best in the world !!!
My Dad !!!
Not just u my father; but a gud friend of mine !
I wont say u the best dad there ever was !
But i see only the best in u...
No man is flawless; u r no man !
Reality u r and so u made me to be !
No Emotions; No silly sentiments;
Not tat u r luv less;
I know u dont believe in showing ur luv;
but understand my dear father - I would definitely expect it
from the bottom of my heart !
You are easy to approach; but hard to expect !
You understand things practically; but neglect my emotions off !
Not tat u dont care for me; but u care much to be careless !
You thought me life ; The approach to life ;
I will not be wit u forever.
So lets be dear, atleast the days we near ;
I wonder if u wud miss me
anytime in future ;
but definitely dad, i will miss u alltime ;
Though not very loving, u mean a lot to me ;
Though no caring words, u make me care more ;
I am confused much to know whether u luv me ;
but least am bothered to find an answer for it , since am not so strong ;
Hearts may get broken ; but not our relationship ;
Father, the first relation in the world ;
the best one too !
Monday, July 20, 2009
to whisper my luv in ur ear ...
I wish u be my dear
to wipe my tears off my life ...
Neither I say I LOVE U
nor do I LIKE U...
since the fact being
I NEED U, for my survival !!!
I have abundant luv in me,
and itz al for u ...
but for some reason i am being
adament to myself
in expressing it to u !!!
எல்லாமாகவும் நானே
நீ வந்தால் - ஒரு தோழியாய்
உன் தலை கோத நான் இருப்பேன் !!
என் மடியில் கண்ணயர
நீ வந்தால் - ஒரு அன்னையை
உன் நெற்றியில் முத்தமிட
நான் இருப்பேன் !!!
என் விரலோடு விரல் கோர்க்க
நீ வந்தால் - ஒரு காதலியாய்
நல்லன்பை பரிமாற்ற
நான் இருப்பேன் !!!
ஆயிரும் உறவுகள் இருப்பின்
உனக்கு அந்த ஆயிரமுமாய் நானே இருந்திட
நீ விரும்பும்பட்சத்தில் ...
இனி இல்லை, தனிமை !
பகலின் முடிவு...
உணவின் துவக்கத்தில் தான்
பசியின் முடிவு...
தாய் பாலின் துவக்கத்தில் தான்
குழந்தையின் அழுகையின் முடிவு...
இவற்றை போல்
உன் வருகையின் துவக்கத்தில் தான்
என் தனிமையின் முடிவும்...
என்னோடு நானே ....
என்னோடு நானே பேசிக்கொண்டேன்...
உன் வருகைக்கு பின்னும்
அதையே தொடர எனக்கேன் இந்த சாபம் !!!
Friday, July 17, 2009
ஆண் பெண் நட்பு ...
அனைவரிடமும் மகிழ்ச்சியோடு
பகிர்ந்துகொண்டாலும் - உன்னிடம் சொல்லும்போது மட்டும்
ஒரு சிறிய நெருடல் ...
நண்பர்களாய் நம் மீது
நாம் எடுத்துக்கொண்ட
உரிமைகளுக்கு மேர்பார்வையாளனாய்
என் கணவன் வந்ததால் ~~~
விடைக்கோடு என் தனிமையே ...
என் தனிமை பயணத்திடமிருந்து ...
என்னோடு காலாற நடைபோட
நீ வந்த பெருமிதத்தில் !!!
கனவிலும் நானே
நானே நிறைந்திருக்க வேண்டி
உன் கனவுக்கதவின்
விளிம்போரம் காத்துகிடக்கிறேன்...
எப்பொழுது தெரிந்துகொள்வாய் ????
நீ ஊட்டி விட வேண்டுமென்று
என் கை விரலுக்கு நானே தண்டனை
குடுத்து நாட்கள்.
உனக்கு தெரியாது !!!
உன் மடியில் தலை சாய்பதர்க்காகவே
என் தலையணையை ஒழித்து வைத்த
உனக்கு தெரியாது !!!
உன்னோடு உணவருந்த வேண்டி
நீ வரும் வரை என் பசியை
காகச் செய்த நாட்கள்.
உனக்கு தெரியாது !!!
உன் கைகோர்த்து நடக்கவேண்டியே
கலைத்து போல் நடித்த நாட்கள்.
உனக்கு தெரியாது !!!
உன் விடியல் ஒவ்வொன்றும்
என் முகத்தில் இருக்கவேண்டி
நீ விழிக்கும் வரை உன் அருகே அமர்ந்து
மெதுவாய் மூச்சு விட்ட நாட்கள்.
கடைசி வரை
எனக்கும் தெரியவில்லை...
இதையெல்லாம் உனக்கு எப்படி தெரியவைப்பதென்று !!!
கண்ணீர் சிந்தி பிரிய
நட்பு ஒன்றும் மரண ஊர்வலம் இல்லை…
அது ஒரு அழகிய பூங்கா...
பூக்கள் உதிர்ந்தாலும்
நட்பெனும் செடி
காலங்களை கடந்து
நிலைத்து நிற்கும் !!!
Monday, July 6, 2009
உனக்காக காத்திருக்கிறேன் ...
வானில் மிதக்கும் நிலவை ரசித்தவாறு
காலாற நடைப்போட ஆசை !!!
உன் மடி மீது தலை சாய்த்து
வானில் மிதக்கும் நட்சத்திரங்களை
விரல் விட்டு எண்ண ஆசை !!!
உன் தோலோடு தோல் சேர்த்து
மனிகனக்காய் மனம் திறந்து
பேச ஆசை !!
உன் விரல்களோடு
என் விரல்கள் கோர்த்து
அழுத்தமான என் அன்பை
உனக்கு உணர்த்த ஆசை !!!
உன் நெஞ்சிற்குள் என் முகம் புதைத்து
உலகம் மறந்து சில நொடியேனும்
உறங்கிட ஆசை !!!
என்று நிறைவேறும் இந்த ஆசைகள் ???
காத்திருக்கக் காத்திருக்க
இதயம் கனக்கிறது....
கணம் இறக்க வருவாயா நீ???
என் இனிய பொக்கிஷமே !!!
நேற்று வரை
என் சிரிப்பில் கூட சோகமே ஒழிந்திருந்தது ...
உன் வருகைக்கு பின் தான்
என் கண்ணீரில் கூட உண்மையான
ஒரு ஆனந்தம் தெரிகிறது !!!
எனவே தான் சொல்கிறேன் ,
என் வாழ்வின் கிடைத்த
மிக பெரிய பொக்கிஷம்
நீ !!!
கொஞ்சம் கொஞ்சமாய் எனையே
தொலைத்து விட்டேன் - நான் !!!
உன்னோடு எனையும் சேர்த்து
எனக்கு பரிசளிப்பாயா ???
Television (TV) has its good side. It is entertaining and educative, and can open up new worlds for kids, giving them a chance to travel the globe, learn about different cultures, and gain exposure to ideas they may never encounter in their own community. Programs with positive role models can influence the audience to improvise their behavior to the better.
A great deal exists among children and television, because there have been thousands of studies on the subject. Researchers have studied how TV affects kids\’ sleep, weight, grades, behavior, and more. It’s worth looking at what the research says when deciding how to manage television in your family.
However, the reverse can also be true: Kids are likely to learn things from TV that parents don’t want them to learn. TV can affect kids’ health and family life. The growth in the pattern of TV set owner ship and the level of exposure to the medium suggest that more families are watching television for longer periods of time but not necessarily together.
Spending time watching TV can take time away from healthy activities like active play outside with friends, eating dinner together as a family, or reading. TV time also takes away from participating in sports, music, art or other activities that require practice to become skillful. TV viewing starts even much earlier than other forms of media— often beginning before the kids start to speak.
In recent years, TV, video and DVD programs geared to babies and toddlers have come on the market—and now even lots of television channels especially for kids. We don’t know yet what effect TV-viewing by kids may have on their development. We do know that time spent watching TV replaces time spent interacting with caregivers and other co-kids nearby. Social interaction is vital to a baby’s healthy development.
TV viewing is probably replacing activities in your child’ s life that you would rather have them do (things like playing with friends, being physically active, getting fresh air, reading, playing imaginatively, doing homework, doing chores).
Kids, who spend more time watching TV either with or without parent and sibling’s presence, spend less time interacting with family members. Excessive TV viewing can contribute to poor grades; sleep disorders, behavioral impacts and so on…
Most children’s programming does not teach moral values and constructivism; rather the shows are filled with stereotypes, violent solutions to problems, and mean behavior. In most cases, Advertisers make a good business by corrupting kid’s minds.
Televisions and computers caused a consistent pattern of inspiration that resulted in inadequate maturity of the child’s brain. Pokemon might keep a toddler happy and less destructive but all those hours of sitting in front of the screen instead of running around was harmful to a kid’s health. Violence is more in today’s media content.
Children and youth see, on average, about 2,000 beer and wine ads on TV each year, Kids see favorite characters smoking, drinking, and involved in sexual situations and other risky behaviors in the shows and movies they watch on TV.
Television is a best medium of exposure for today’s kids. But handling those fresh minds rightfully and developing them is a major responsibility for all the content producers of media.
(this article is pubished in Kovai Images, a Coimbatore based weekly edition)
Attitudinal Aspiration !!!
One cannot change the attitude of a person. The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude will vary from each individual; it is inherited in each blood cells of a human. Attitude, to me, is more important than anything else.
ASPIRATION !! , the word itself sounds nice (wen u read it wit an attitude), the sturdy longing to attain something great. Everybody aspires thy own life. Ambition varies in each individual. one want to become a doctor, one want to become a good home maker, one want to become a Bill Gates. All will have their own Aspirations; it’s a goal that drives to success in life. We dream a position to be at, at a certain point of time. People have own milestones in life, it’s a like a pits stop in Formula one racing.
The tool that driving your aspirations is the attitude, for example no one wants to become a criminal or a murderer, its the attitude that drives them to do certain things and put them in a worse situation. We take another real time example, Ms.Dhoni young captain of Indian ODI. His aspiration is to win the one-day series against the mighty Australians. He wants to finish the best of three finals within two games. Here this is his aspiration. But aspiration alone cannot help you to win. It’s the attitude a perfect driver is needed to drive your aspiration towards winning the game. At last Dhoni men won the match within two games against the mighty Australians.Dhoni has the aspiration to win against Aussies and with the right attitude, he droves the entire team towards victory.
As already said Attitude and Aspirations are entirely different, but both are interlinked. Attitude talks about the mental discipline of the person; the attitude cannot be changed at any point of time. Attitude is inherited from their parents/guardians from the childhood. Doctor’s son wants to become a doctor that’s his attitude, father wants his son to become a doctor, he decides the attitude of his son, and after some period, it will become son’s aspiration to become a doctor and he will be having very strong attitude to reaching his goal.
Attitude makes a person to take possibilities. If a man watching a fire accident in a roadside, if he really wants to help the persons inside the house, he will be having very strong attitude to help them out. Come what may, he will put his entire energy to help the maximum. At the same time some persons don’t want to risk their life, they will be having very low attitude and very poor self confidence, these kinds of personalities will not have a very great aspirations in life. Either they might be rich or they might be happy with what they have. So here we can say that both Attitude and aspirations can make the personality. Both attitude and aspiration and can make a man rich and poor; can make a man a winner or loser.
Finally, Aspiration is a destiny; one knows that where they has to reach. If you know the place then your subconscious mind will slowly make you reach towards that. Subconscious mind is your attitude. If a person is a chain-smoker and wants to quit smoking for the advices, certainly he cannot quit smoking. It is himself who has to decide. He has to make his mind to accept it, if he strongly believes he can quit smoking (ATTITUDE), he will make some courageous steps to stop smoking (ASPIRATION). So Aspiration is the dream Island and attitude is the big ship to reach your destiny.
புதியதோர் எழுத்தாணி !!!
விடிய விடிய சேமித்தேன் ...
வானில் மிதக்கும் நட்சத்திரங்களையும்
இரவில் மின்னிடும் மின்மினி பூச்சியையும் ...
உன் பெயர் எழுத தான் !!!
பார்வை !!!
குழப்பம் !!!
A Heart Tat Beats Only For U !!!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
My First Silence...

Am in dark;
Complete dark;
My eyes can see nothing but lightning!!!
My ears can hear nothing but the
Rhythmic flow of raindrops
And the rocking sound of thunder!!!
I just closed my eyes…
And opened my heart!!!
I let my heart freely flow like the
Raindrops freely falling from the sky!!!
As usual, I was expecting a rapid flow of
Thoughts and words from my heart…
To my surprise,
My heart cheated me with its silence…
I was wondering why!!!
Finally found that my heart was floating in dream…
Don’t wonder what.
Obviously, about u, my sweetheart!!!
Only then I realized,
No matter, how pleasing my surrounding is…
My heart cannot be distracted!!!
Am called a talk-freak among my peer group,
After my sweetheart’s entry in my life,
The depth of the silence in my heart,
Makes me understand
The depth of love, I have for him!!!
Trust me dear…
I wish to be silent
My whole life long!!!
Nothing but for talk only can keep me occupied…
But for now,
Its only the sweet thoughts of my sweetheart
That I wish to be occupied with!!!
This change in me, shows
The love I have for u, my darling!!!
After ur arrival,
I am loving my life!!!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Let's hold the politicians accountable

India is a developing country. But in what respects it is developing? In terrorism, poverty, famine and corruption. Can these things lie at the root of a developing country? Indian politicians remain quiet despite the rot that has set in. One of the factors which led to the rot setting in is the concept of globalisation. Globalisation literally means bringing the world closer so it can succeed in all spheres. But the actual globalisation has led to the US trying to eradicate countries like India and becoming a one-man army. Although conscious of this fact, Indian politicians are taking no action to contain the US. Politicians spare no sympathy for terror victims since the said victims are not related to them. Unless and until the victims are related to them, they will never react, even if the situation goes out of hand.
This state of affairs can be changed only when the victims and the rest or in other words, all the citizens wake up and question the inactive politicians.
(Thz article is also my contribution as a Citizen Journalist to Merinews website)
It's unwise to let down your parents...

The resultant separation has two dimensions to it. One is physical separation and the other is emotional separation. Indian law provides for the son or the daughter to acquire a new ration card once the son or daughter gets married. The ration card so issued keeps out the names of the parents. This is the first instance of separation.
The second is emotional separation, arising from the daughter-in-law ill-treating her in-laws. The son, instead of raising his voice to her, moves the parents to an old age home. If the couple is working abroad, the aged parents are moved to old age homes to ensure their safety.
At a certain point of time, the teens begin to believe that they are capable of leading lives on their own. The attractive salary packages the youngsters are able to command even at the beginning of their career leads them to believe that they are superior to the previous generation. But in the process, they miss out on the positives that the emotional bonding between the two generations can bring about.
But once the children take off, they leave their parents in the lurch. Factors such as modernisation, westernisation and globalisation lead our youngsters to lose their faith in the joint family system. Globalisation has led to our elders leading a lonely life. The ill-informed youngsters blindly fall for globalisation and insult the parents – the very people who have made the youngsters what they are. Youngsters must understand that they will become old too; the next generation may treat them the same way they treated their own parents. Father is the role model for the child. If a young father ill-treats his father, the child, having witnessed it at close quarters, will treat its own father the same way, once it grows up.
My dear youngsters please do not forget that what goes around comes around. Respect your elders. Value their experience. Share their feelings. Lend a helping hand to them. Remember, you are what you are, because of them.
(Thz article is my contribution as a Citizen Journalist to Merinews website)
Bezzzyyy, a beautiful beach!!!

Chennai has a lot of beaches but the specialty of Besant beach is the location where it is situated. Situated at a residential zone, the beach pulls in more equal number of family crowds along with the teens.
Teens prefer Besant on various grounds that amuse them and engage their time in a best possible way. Joggers and walkers prefer the early mornings pretty before the sunrise and the teens prefer the late nights even after the moon.
Kids will never fail to spot out the enjoyments like the different kinds of chotu-rides specially put up for them. Visitors who come with their family can choose to eat the readily burnt corns and the kids will never miss their favorite sweet tasting chocolate varieties, the Panjumitaais. In the night times, the darkness of the beach mixed with the fire sparkles while heating the corns gives a very interesting tone to the location.
The waters of the beach is preferred by a lot of teens for swimming and drenching themselves in the water enjoying the fun and frolics, not taking into account the atmosphere. Not only the teens but also the whole family drive themselves into the water, forgetting their age and status.
Lovers choose to spend their time peacefully, sitting in the sands and tasting the hot chilly bajjis and samosas. The north Indian people residing in Chennai visit Besant beach more often to taste their nativity snack, the Pani puris, bhel puris and the chenna masalas. They always claim that the taste they get in the Besant beach does justice to their native tastes. At just rupees 10 per plate, we can enjoy different varieties of lip smacking dishes.
Sitting in the border of the waves, admiring the motion of the waves and to lick an ice cream is something that none can hate to. This is one of the most admiring aspects of the Besant beach.
The lip smacking crabs and deep fried chilly fishes are certain not-to-miss menu of Besant beach. The center of the beach has a big welcoming tomb which provides shade to most visitors even during the hottest summer of Chennai.
Besant beach always witnesses all ages and all walks of people unlike other beaches. The parrot tarots are a most famous thing in the Besant beach. A whole lot of people can be found with a parrot in the cage pulling in people to check out their fortune.
Ladies sell beads and neck chains with different varieties and colors in affordable rates and adoring designs. Red, black and orange are few common colors of beads found in the beach. Other fashion ornaments like stylish earrings and hand bands are the most favorite of all college gals.
The scenic beauty of the beach along with the high end restaurants to the kaiyendhi bhavans makes the beach an appropriate outing spot for all walks of Chennaites.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
தூரலே வா...
A female, starting from birth, play diverse roles at each stage of life. First as a new born, she is celebrated and delighted as a daughter of her loving parents. She is taken best care by her parents and relatives and she is treated as the queen of the family. Parents devote themselves to her life and make her swim in pleasure by facilitating her with all the fun filled things. The tender lives in the warmth of the parents. She is blessed as a daughter.
Days pass by; the baby gal grows as a kid. From the world of parents, the kid enters the world of school which is accompanied by friends and games. Academics, co-curriculum, fun and frolic become the major part of the life. She performs excellence and wins awards and prizes in her schooling. She is friendly to her co-mates and plays with innocence. She is blessed as a student.
Next is the stage of a teen where the world is filled with friends. Life seems so interesting with electrifying experiences and exciting joy. In this stage, friends become the major part of life and friendships seem to be a best relationship in the earth. The caring words of the friend become the most lovable thing in the world. A gal, as a friend acts more caring and affectionate for her co-mates. She is blessed as a good friend.
Next is the role of a lover. To love and to be loved is life. Especially, to love a caring and affectionate gal is the best thing a man can get in the world. A gal, as a lady love, shows utmost care and affection and pours her deep love on her lover boy. She becomes ready to dedicate her life for the caring shoulders that she gets. She is blessed as a true lover.
The gal is ready to forgo her own identity in the association of Marriage, the essential part of life, for her lover boy. She becomes a part of her husband’s life making invisible her individual rights and freedom. She is gentle and compassionate as a wife.
The vital role of a woman is the role as the mother. A woman gets a wholeness in life on the day she attains her motherhood. Motherhood makes a woman feel her life a complete cycle. She dedicates her life to their children. Her mind is totally occupied by the imaginations of her children’s life. Mother is a beautiful relationship in the earth. None can replace the truth and purity of a mother. She is awake all the night to see her child sleeping peacefully. She is starving all the day to see her child eating serenely. She is praying all her life to see her child life successfully. She is blessed as a mother.
The fulfilled joy of life for a woman is to rest at home playing with her grand children. She becomes more affectionate and freed with her grand kids. She is blessed with a complete life.
So, woman in every stage of life lives for the people around her than for herself. So, every woman is respectable. Treat her with love and affection; she will do everything for you. Stop ruling women as she is not your slave but your true companion.
Be proud to be a woman!!!

Reading is Fun...
Especially, when being Children, Reading is an interesting and a fun-to-do thing and all that you need to do is to develop an interest towards it. Children’s face difficulties in reading, as they do not understand the difference between reading and studying. Parents have to take meticulous care in making the children understand the difference between the two. Reading for the academic purpose is completely different from reading as a habit. I am sure this makes sense. If not, read it again!
Parents must guide the children to divide their time for reading academics and non-academics. Apart from the time spent for academics, children have plenty of time which they are spending on versatile activities such as playing games, watching television, fighting with fellow children, refusing to have food and a lot more. Reading can be developed as a part of these entertaining activities, as reading is one of the best entertainments. Parents must inculcate the reading habit in their children, not as compulsion but as an involvement.
Children must be made aware of how interesting reading and writing are. The more a kid writes, the more he/she becomes expressive in the future. Reading is the foundation for writing. Only when we read, do we learn to write. Every speaker must be a listener, every writer must be reader.
Parents must find the right subject (I mention again. This is not the academic subject!) their children are interested in. Children must be given more exposure and knowledge towards the area of self interest, right from the childhood.
As I mentioned earlier, I have seen a lot of children who blindly hate reading as they are not able to clearly distinguish between reading and studying. At the first place, parents must bring in this awareness in their children. Reading is a healthy habit which every kid must (but not as a compulsion!) develop.
The next thing is the ‘Read Aloud’ habit. The habit of reading aloud will help the children to avoid fear of reading amidst groups. The ‘Read Aloud’ habit will also facilitate better pronunciation skills and concentration on reading. Unlike ‘reading by heart’, ‘reading aloud’ will not lead to distractions. Parents, pay little keen attention here! This concentration will be helpful for you when you make your children study their academics.
Parents can make available, materials such as newspapers, dictionaries, encyclopedias, facts and stories, science and inventions for their children to read during their free time. Parents can also sit with them and make the children understand the wonderful inventions and discoveries of the world. The more the parents admire and wonder at things, the children will replicate the same attitude which will help them to grow as active children.
Reading story books can be made interactive with the parents and the children by each of them imitating a character of the play. This will motivate the kids to read more with active participation.
Children must practice the habit of relaxed reading, which will help them develop a sustained interest towards reading. So children, as soon as possible, start to Read new things, Enjoy the new facts that you come across and Learn to discover the wonderful things of the world.
Monday, June 15, 2009
விழித்திரு இளைஞனே...
நாளைய பாரதம் இளைஞன் கையில்...
அதற்காக இன்று நீ உறங்கலாமா???
இன்றைய பாரதத்தை நீ கட்டி காத்தால் தானே...
நாளைய பாரதத்தை நீ வெற்றி நடை போடச் செய்ய முடியும்...
ஊழல்கள் பல உன் கண் முன்னே நிகழ...
நான் என்ன செய்ய முடியும் என்றிருகலாமா நீ...
உன் சாமர்த்தியத்தை பயன்படுத்தி சாதுர்யமாய் செயல்படு
இந்தியாவை நொடி பொழுதில் மாற்றலாம்...
இழைஞனே நீ நினைத்தால்...
சந்திர மண்டலத்தை சுற்றி வலம் வர வேண்டிய நீ...
சந்திரனை பெண்ணோடு ஒப்பிட்டு வர்ணித்துகொண்டே, பொழுதை கழிக்கலாமா!!!
சாதனை உலகில் சரித்திரம் படைக்க வேண்டியவன் நீ...
இன்னும் சலனம் கொண்டு மூலையில் முடங்கலமா...
என் தேச இழைஞனே, உலகில் இனியனே..
இன்னும் ஏன் பாலுறக்கம்...
புறப்பட்டு!! எழுந்து நட!!!
சாதனைகள் உன்னை பின் தொடரும்!!!