India is a democratic country but democracy is enjoyed only by politicians and big shots that support the politicians. India's costliest and biggest old-age home is the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. Politics needs experience. It is not a simple task.
IT IS an accepted fact that politics needs experience because it is not a simple task. But experience must blend with energy and enthusiasm; only then, will a revolution be born. We, as citizens, welcome people who are old in age but for no reason should we support the inactive souls who rule the country for their own benefit. Indian politicians have the experience, exposure and age to take decisions and rule the country. But they are unable to bring a new immediacy to events. To which event our politicians will bring immediacy? Not to the long-lasting J&K war; not to the Iran-Iraq war; not to the Orissa drought; not to the Bihar floods, not to the serial bomb blasts or famine or poverty witnessed across the country; not to the sexual harassment of our women and not to the electricity problem faced by the people; but definitely to the dismissal of a government headed by the opposition party!
India is a developing country. But in what respects it is developing? In terrorism, poverty, famine and corruption. Can these things lie at the root of a developing country? Indian politicians remain quiet despite the rot that has set in. One of the factors which led to the rot setting in is the concept of globalisation. Globalisation literally means bringing the world closer so it can succeed in all spheres. But the actual globalisation has led to the US trying to eradicate countries like India and becoming a one-man army. Although conscious of this fact, Indian politicians are taking no action to contain the US. Politicians spare no sympathy for terror victims since the said victims are not related to them. Unless and until the victims are related to them, they will never react, even if the situation goes out of hand.
One of the routine headlines that the media carries as soon as a famine or flood strikes is ‘the member of Legislative Assembly (MLA) / CM / PM surveyed the affected areas from a helicopter’. Citizens, including senior citizens and newly-born babies are acutely affected by floods with no food, shelter or proper clothing being accessible to them. Women fight for their lives even if they do not have clothes to cover their modesty and dignity; all the same, the media will beam her plight a thousand times for obvious reasons. Another abominable activity is the son / daughter / wife of the politician concerned generously dropping food packets from the air as disdainfully as they drop rubbish into the trash bin. Poor people, in all their ignorance, thank the politicians generously for this gesture and elect them again.
This state of affairs can be changed only when the victims and the rest or in other words, all the citizens wake up and question the inactive politicians.
This state of affairs can be changed only when the victims and the rest or in other words, all the citizens wake up and question the inactive politicians.
Citizens must start asserting their right to discard incapable politicians. No doubt, India has lots of talented people – amongst the teenagers and amongst the middle- aged people. But is the country ready to recognise such people and utilise their services? Politicians are least bothered. On the other hand, they indirectly encourage Indian talent to go abroad and slave away there. Citizens are constrained by their own financial needs and hence without thinking twice, they get ready to work abroad. Unless politicians are made to realise that any day they can be ousted from power, if they are not efficient, no revolution will come about. So, it is for the citizens to activate the politicians. Indian citizens must take the initiative and become politically conscious. Recently, the Pakistanis taught us a good lesson. Hope Indians will emulate them so the country can tread the right path under the guidance of leaders like Abdul Kalam.
Be a responsible citizen… be a part of a developed India….
(Thz article is also my contribution as a Citizen Journalist to Merinews website)
ReplyDeleteIntresting post.A politically consicious educated India would be unstoppable.
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