Yet to Discover!!! A wingless bird, sitting at its own desk, flying across borders and boundaries. I love to create magic with words. WORDS are my best friends and I love playing tricky games with it.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Semmozhi Manadu - A realtime shit !!!
The beautifully phrased Tamil Semmozhi Manadu, One of the hot and happening topics of the entire Tamilnadu, today. In spite of Tamilnadu holding the shame of having so many people under the poverty line, who do not meet the standard of being a survival to the fittest, the Government takes the real pain and pressure in highlighting the Tamil language and its grandeur.
Being a layman of this nation, especially a citizen of Tamilnadu, in spite of not having a single penny in my wallet for my next meal, I really don’t understand how Karunanidhi wants to fight for the growth and establishment of a language? Any literate with actual common sense will definitely realise that a language is a medium of communication, and as far as the communication reaches the receiver, the sender is right in his or her form. What else does a language do to a citizen personally in the wellbeing and everyday survival? Karunanidhi talks and takes so many initiatives for emphasising Tamil language, but my single question to our honourable Chief Minister is “What language will he use to communicate to Dr.Ms.Prathiba Patil or Dr.Surjit Singh Barnala.
All these valuable and reasonable questions being apart, the very family of Karunanidhi does not deserve the right conduct this show, as they themselves do not follow what they want the people of Tamilnadu to follow.
When the state is being at a situation of poverty, is it really necessary to spend 300 Crores on a single show? Schools, colleges and Government offices are being announced official holiday for such as unnecessary and redundant show. Are education of the kids and the tasks of the official networks important or is the show very important?
Read the following points carefully to know the insensible and numb behaviour of this (so called) legend’s family.
• All of us would definitely have seen the recently conducted Vijay Awards function in Vijay TV, where Kanimozhi gave her generous presence to facilitate the occasion. When she got on the stage for distributing one of the awards, Anchor and presener of the show Gopinath raised a question to her, about the Ulaga Thamizh Semmozhi Manadu, merely first few sentences of her’s were in Tamil, but her actual flow of English interrupted her, with or without her knowledge. Is there anything to be more shame than this? I think I will not be wrong in using the word, this is the “HEIGHT OF STUPIDITY”, of using English language when being questioned about Ulaga Thamizh Semmozhi Manadu.
• More than height of stupidity, I am completely wordless here to describe the foolish and idiotic action of Karunanidhi. The Live telecast of the complete manadu which is being relayed on Kalaignar TV comments the entire show in both English and Tamil. Just this, very well, shows the importance of English as a language of communication here. If his notion of having a commentary in English is to make his honourable guests, Ms.Patil and Mr.Burnala understand the whole concept, he would have arranged for a pamphlet which bears all these details and handed it over to them personally for their understanding. Even a small little kid would definitely laugh against this action of Karunanidhi. Shame on him.
Anyway, my hearty thanks to Karunanidhi for arranging such a real big event for emphasising the importance of English, than Tamil.
Semmozhi Manadu – A complete bullshit and a nonsense show.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Six Sexy Principles I (Luv to) Follow
Dont be a folower, be a creator!
Dont lie since situation demands, create situations that give space for your truth.
Dont just be costructive always, try to destruct things, so you can construct better ones.
Look out for suggestions, but not for solutions. Solution should always be your brian child.
Spend time for yourself, be isolated with your thoughts and dreams, they shape you better.
Living and Successful living has a major difference. Understanding this difference correctly makes a man successful… Every human is a Living being, but only an Ambitious human could lead a Successful living. Ambition is a drive within everybody which leads them to taste the success. Ambition stimulates the human instinct to attain success.
How Beautiful Waves!!!
You always race with your neighboring waves,
But neither you loose nor you win.
How Beautiful Waves!!!
When I came near,
You were my mother.
When I play around you,
You were my friend.
How Beautiful Waves!!!
God created you to cheer us.
You wiped our tears with your big storm Tsunami.
How Beautiful Waves!!!
You never crossed your limits,
But you gave us limitless joy forever.
How Beautiful Waves!!!
You are the happiest thing in the world,
And you make us happy always.
How Beautiful Waves!!!
You always seem active and chirpy,
You, the Mother Nature,
Shower your eternal blessings on us for ever and ever.
How Beautiful Waves!!!
You are endless; so is your beauty.
Cheer us all time with your musical waves.
This piece of writing is not mine, yet posting just as a sign of support.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
iPhone – The All in One Mobile Device
Do you still wonder why this is so special? Read through to get stunned with the amazing features of iPhone. Apple always beats through its own competition and such other exciting winning for Apple is the release of iPhone. It is also called as a slate smart phone for its sleekness and stylish outlook. The very symbol of Apple at the backside of the phone in a dark greyish colour, with light silver body makes the phone look stunning. But this is not stunning only in looks, but the features makes you get more stunned.
With more than one thousand applications, they are a best companion to be with. You can be connected with your friends in orkut and facebook anywhere you go. The company has put in great efforts in designing the operating system of this phone, to deliver all best features possible. With QWERTY keypad, similar to a pc, this intelligent keypad can sense what you are about to type and can provide hints for you. It can even automatically correct the spellings for you, with the inbuilt dictionary. You can have the virtual keypad on if you prefer to, else you can have it closed. The more you fingers are fast, the more the typing becomes faster and easier. It has a magnifying glass which helps you in editing what you have typed. Just make a long press on the respective word, and it opens up the glass to identify the mistakes and retype it. It proves its brilliance by adding apostrophes wherever required, hence making your messages more professional. One other interesting feature of this keyboard is its possibility of cutting, copying and pasting, completely as similar to what you do in a computer system.
The iPhone has the very sensible touch screen which makes you browse and type with a single move of your finger. A single finger can make wonders on your phone. The display can be either viewed on portrait or landscape adding beauty to the pictures of your mobile box.
Apple has also introduced the latest 3G and 3GS iPhone models with extra clarity and quality of all it’s features. Video recording and voice control features are more enhanced in these latest models, with higher storage capacity of up to 32GB. You need not wait for any application to load, as everything is instant and interesting in these iPhone models. The 3G graphics are a big bonus point for people who are game freaks. The graphic delivery features give you almost a real playing feel, and you can download any game of your choice.
All the iPhone models have an inbuilt compass device, and you can watch the maps of the places of your choice. You can GPS facility activated to your mobile phone.
With more than what you can imagine, this is one of the best gadgets to own, as well to gift your loved ones.
Yes! Here is your long awaited iPad, the mobile tablet pc, with all the features that you would wonder to have in a single device. Apple has solely designed and released this model pc for making internet browsing an interesting and simple experience. User reviews claim that this model is slightly a bigger version of iPhone, however for people who see it new, it is definitely a big treat to go with.
iPad, the developed version of iPhone, makes use of the same operating system that was used in iPhone, as well other features such as the LCD touch screen also seems to remain the same. This LCD touch screen is 25cm and has a liquid crystal display which is programmed with finger print technology. The screen is protected with an external glass which has the nature of scratch resistance. You can just browse and play through your fingers, not necessarily a glove or a styli pick, which was used earlier to prevent any electrical leakage from the pc. The screen display can operate in both landscape and portrait views, in all four directions. With complete inbuilt keypad, iPad has only four buttons on it among which one is the home button, other is the main menu while the others are volume increase and decrease options.
iPad has inbuilt dual speaker system which delivers quality mono output through the sealed audio outlets. The microphone is sealed within the device and you need not be worried when the device is drenched in water.
With few additional features, the newly released device also supports all the exciting features of the iPhone. E-book reading is now possible at a higher speed with this new device in hand. Browsing internet is no more static, as you can browse on your travel or when you stuck up in cinema halls with a boredom movie. This is connected to the internet through wireless local area network connection or WiFi activation and therefore hereafter internet is on your go. This also has a 3G model enabled in it, making you enjoy the comfort zone of your life.
iPad, similar to iphone comes with a non-removable lithium polymer battery and it is internally rechargeable. As the battery is non-removable, the lifespan of the battery is assured for several years. This can either be charged through the charger or through the USB connectivity of a system. This helps you to simultaneously charge your device as well have things shared with your desktop computer.
With high speed internet connectivity anywhere you go, sharing photos and videos are no more a tough task to reassign it to others. You can enjoy watching videos, while having it shared to your pals. The touch screen display has a bright LED backlit IPS which helps in the clarity of picture viewing. Just through a pat of your finger, you can have your favorite photo album viewed. The slide show features adds to your interest of viewing your most loved pictures.
To sum up, iPad is a gift for everybody who loved their old model of iPhone, as well who would want to have a new gadget in their hands.
Sleep, a blessing gifted to all humans from the Nature God, to free himself from all his stress and trauma. When we say it a stress buster, it just does not relieves your stress and also helps you with a whole lot of health benefits. Contended sleep of both your conscious and sub-conscious mind is definite to result in acquiring complete mental relaxation and physical too.
Sleep can be a good source for having an energetic and fit heart, and the chances of heart attacks are drastically reduced if you owe the habit of sound sleep since childhood. Inadequate and disturbed sleep may end you up in facing cholesterol and blood pressure disorders, which are all the various routes and causes of heart attacks and physical strokes.
Adequate and serene sleep with good ventilation gives you an insight towards various relaxation techniques. Only during the sleeping hours, your hormones tend to relax completely. This relaxation will give it the energy to work effectively all day long, the next day.
Here, good news for all of you who are thinking to loose your weight, but of course with no strains. Sleep well!!! Yes, you have heard it right. Try your maximum to avoid sleeping during day time and being awake during night time. Secretion of hormones that result in regulating your appetite seems to loose its segregation capacity when you lack your sleep. So, better pay concentration in your sleep to loose your excessive weight and stay fit.
Let me be clearer, when I say adequate sleep I mean a sound sleep of around 6 to 8 hours for adults and 7 to 9 hours for kids. Sleep well!! Live Healthy!!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Personality Assessment, otherwise called the behavioral test, nothing but testing individuals’ personalities and qualities, is one of the major elements of psychology and human handling. This assessment is done to observe both the physical and the mental traits of a person, their behavior and response towards different things they perceive in life.
This personality assessment can be done on a person for various reasons, most common being during the screening test of an employee during. Employee personality test happens commonly during the interview session, training session, customer service testing (specially, if the selection is for a voice based process), to decrease the revenue rate of a particular employee.
Employment aptitude tests, sales aptitude tests also fall under psychological way of personality assessments. In most places the selection and rejection of a person is mainly based on the results obtained from the psychological tests than the other rounds of interview. The behavioral tests that are taking place in a company often takes place as a more streamlined process and the questions and the assessment tools are created in such as way that they do not beyond the professional level.
One other common usage of this behavioral test is in the psychological researches and this is used for testing the personality of a person in different streamlines.
With the advancement in technology, off late, these personality assessment tests can be conducted even through online. This helps the job seekers to personally first analyze themselves and prepare them according to the preliminary round results. This way, testing becomes easier, as well assessing the person can also be done through the system and hence chances of showing bias towards the selection can not be done.
Similar to all other departments, Health Care department and Medical field is one main place which has a strictly designed set of norms and ethical codes. Medical field and ethics always travel on a same streamline. These codes are imposed on every single professional member of this discipline. One must understand that the oath that every medical field employee takes during the time of joining is different from the ethics of Health Care system. Medical professionals always have strict codes to be followed. These codes of ethics are the judging scale for each of the individual employees and they are strictly expected to abide by these codes. Even public people can get to know these norms and they are entitled with the questioning authority to the employees. The public can raise their issues to the medical administration if they feel that any patient is not treated up to the requirement, or being medically treated unnecessarily.
The American Medical Association takes care of these principles and codes that are drafted for the Health Care department. This association will analyst the compliant raised by the public, and in case it is proved that the x-ray technician has flaws on him or her, then the association will take actions even to a higher stage of cancelling the license. One of the main reasons for drafting such ethics in the medical field is to ensure the goodness and wellbeing of the patients. There is a special team of investigation who checks the codes year after year and makes alterations and additions to the existing codes, if necessary.
Becoming an x-ray technician is not a simple task to do. As all other disciplines in the medical field, even x-ray technicians have their own set of codes and ethics to be strictly adhered. The x-ray technicians, broadly termed as the Radiologic technologists involve in imaging examinations by producing radiographs, which are commonly called the x-ray films. They involve in the complete diagnosis of a person to identify the medical problems that are resting in their body. The task of the x-ray technician not just start and end up with taking x-rays, but they are expected to mentally convince the patient by making them understand the potentiality of taking x-rays.
Off late, the x-ray technicians are also expected to be well versed in handling computer systems which are required for the advanced scanning technologies. CT scan, which is the Computed Tomography scan, involves the key person, the x-ray technician, to handle computer devices to understand and interpret the cross-sectional x-ray results in the scan report.
Being a certified member of a licensed training center is one of the essential ethics to be a x-ray technician in famous hospitals and scanning centers. The qualified members are first expected to register themselves in an organization that exclusively operates for registering these graduates. One such example is the American Registry of Radiological Technologists (ARRT) organization. These organizations solely take care of the licensing tasks of the registered graduates. This registration is a must for getting the license for practicing as an x-ray technician. There is another organization which is the State’s health board, who ensure that the person is a graduated licensed member before giving them a placement in any of the standard hospitals of the city. The codes of the Public Health Educators committee are more or less similar to the x-ray technicians, and they too are expected to abide by the same.
Though there is a high demand for qualified x-ray technicians, one must be adhering to the norms of the health care system to prolong their career as x-ray technician.
Radiologic Technologists and Technicians
X-Ray Technician
Monday, June 14, 2010
be it any pain, cry helps nothing but complete loss of your body temper and control. You become weak and nothing else could turn out from the drops fall out your eyes. All you can do is to lessen your expectations and hope on others, be yourself, love yourself. take life as it comes. avoid yourself from expecting too much of care or love from a person.
Put an end of expectations and desires, automatically cry will climax soon.
All the best!!!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Though individual stories may vary, the base is the same for all women entrepreneurs and it is the consistency and dedication towards the focused goal. Media plays a major role in supporting and encouraging women entrepreneurs, and the voice of the entrepreneurs are raised through the media. There have raised a number of organizations that solely focus on the growth of women. Networking plays a major role for women in developing their business attitudes and skills. Centre of Women and Enterprise (CWE) is one such platform which creates the space for networking among the peer group which is a beneficial and a developing factor for women to grow. They take measures to help the women in setting up and growing their businesses. When they get to socialize with others of same mind and thoughts, they learn more about the business techniques and their motive towards developing the business grows in line with the other grown enterprises.
Effective methods of preserving Eco System
How real are TV shows?
Women in uniforms
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Just U'n Me
not just my love, but my life!
You are in me;
and I wish me in you too...
A promise that you will never hate me
will keep loads and loads of happy!
Come close to me,
Hold me with your hands, caress me with your love,
Do all that I want... Give all Love tat u have...
Love me now and forever, more and more.
I wish the world to be just you and me.
Me for you; You for me;
Love for us;
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
சிலிர் காற்று...
கனக்கிறது வானம்...
லேசாகிறது என் மனம்...
வாழ்வில் எதனை சுகங்கள் வந்தாலும்
மெல்லிய சாரலில் அந்த கடற்கரை மணலில் ரம்மியமாய் நடைபயணம்
போவது போன்ற சுகம் வேறேதட !!
குழைந்தையின் சிரிபிற்கும் தாயின் தூய்மைக்கும்
ஒப்பான ஒன்றே ஒன்று வானில் தூறும் மழை!!
தன்னை ரசித்து பார்பவனுக்கு அந்த வானம் சொல்லும் ஆயிரம் கதை!
குழு குழுவென ice cream ஒ சுட சுட சூப் ஒ
கையில் வைத்து கொண்டு
காலத்தை மறந்து பேசுக்கொண்டே மலையை ரசித்து பார்!
உன் வாழ்க்கை அழகாகும்! உன் வாழ்விற்கான அர்த்தம் புரியும்!
உன்னை நீ நேசிக்க தொடங்குவாய், மழையை நேசித்தால்.
மழையின் அருமையை உணராதோர் உண்டா!!
திடீர் மழை!!!
திடீர் மழையா??? வியக்கின்றனர் அனைவரும்!!
அவர்களுக்கு தெரியாதே, உன்னை எனக்கு தந்த அந்த கடவுள் தான்
இந்த மலையையும் நமக்காய் தந்து ஆசீர்வதிக்கிறார் என்று!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Writing - The real power of expression !!!
ஆயிரம் வலிகள் இருப்பினும் - எனக்கு
தெரிந்த சிறந்த வலி - எழுத்துக்களே !!!
இந்த எழுத்துக்களின் சக்தி ஒருவரின்
மனதை புகைப்படம் எடுத்து காண்பதற்கு
என் சுவாசத்தில் கலந்த என் உயிர் கணவருக்காக !!!
நேற்று என் வாழ்வில் வந்த இவனை
பிரிந்திருப்பது மட்டும்
ஏன் இவ்வளவு வலிக்கிறது ???
என்னை நானே கேட்டுக் கொண்டேன் !
மனசாட்சி அழகாய் கூறியது - நீ மற்றவர்களை
நேசிக்கிறாய், ஆனால் இவனை மட்டுமே சுவாசிக்கிறாய்
என்று !!!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
எங்கேயோ நானும்,
உறவுகளுக்கும் தொடர்புகளுக்கும்
அப்பாற்ப்பட்ட நிலையில் -
ஆணென்றும் பெண்ணென்றும்
பேதங்கள் பாராமல் - நட்பை மட்டுமே
மனதில் சுமந்து சுற்றி வந்த காலம் அது!
எத்தனையோ சந்தோஷங்கள், எத்தனையோ சண்டைகள்,
அனைத்தையும் ரசித்து அனுபவித்து ஒன்றாய் திரிந்த அந்த அழகிய நாட்கள் !
எதையும் மறக்க வில்லை நான்; மறந்திருக்க மாட்டாய் நீயும்;
எங்கே ஊர் சுற்றலாம் என்று முடிவு செய்வதற்காகவே - தனியே
ஓர் நாள் ஊர் சுற்றியதுண்டு.
ஆனால் இன்றோ,
நம் நட்பை பற்றி நினைத்து நெகிழவே நாட்குறிப்பில் தனியோர் நேரம்
வகுக்கும் நிலையில் நான்.
என் இனிய நண்பனே, காலங்கள் நம்மை பிரித்தாளும்
நம் நட்பு நம்மை என்றும் இணைத்திருக்கும்.
என்றென்றும் நட்புடன்,
Dedicating to all my lovable friends!
Avoid Obesity - Stay Fit
Are you more concerned and worried about being over-weight? Do you feel you fall under obesity category? There is absolutely nothing that you need to worry about. Everything is still under your control and if you have the will, you can definitely make yourself slim and fit with the weight loss tips that you are going to read below.
First of all, people must get rid of the feel that obesity or over-weight is a disease. Most of the people, today, think that diseases are the only source that makes man obese. It is an absolute wrong notion. Being obese is very common among humans and especially at the present era, insufficient care of personal health is a main reason for being obese.
Exercises to remain fit
Yoga is one of the best exercises, not only to stay fit but also be healthy. Yoga relaxes both your body and mind. Sit on your heel and crouch back as much as you can and relax back slowly. Keep repeating the same for 5 times a day. Make yourself sweat during the exercise, as sweating will also help you to a greater extent. Walking is also a very good weight loss tip.
Aerobic exercise is an effective weight loss tip and it will help you in flattening your tummy and the excessive weights that are in your hip and thigh area. It is believed that aerobics reduce a maximum of 800 calories you’re your body. Swimming and cycling are also very essential exercises that can help you to stay fit and active.
Diet plan to avoid obese
Diet plays a major role in avoiding, as well reducing obesity. Both over eating and leaving empty stomach will result only in obesity. No diet plan says to skip a meal through the day. Especially, when you dieting you are not supposed to leave your tummy empty. One of the main weight loss tips through dieting is to include a cup Green Tea in your diet plan everyday.
Plan your diet chart in such a way that it includes fruits and vegetables more than rice and meat. Whole grains and cereals are also a good choice to include in your diet plan as it helps in reducing weight. Try to avoid fatty substances and foods that are rich in calories. Green leaves, Vitamin B, watermelon, broccoli and spinach are good itenaries to be a part of your diet.
Be active to loose weight
Both your physical and mental activeness will definitely contribute to avoiding obesity. Do not restrict yourself at one single position, be it in your work place or at your home. A main weight loss tip is to make physical movements as much as possible. Even during your busy working hours, take a small break and walk towards the rest room or to your friends’ desk (preferably the farthest one) and spend some time. This will relax both your mind and body.
Finally, you make sure not to try all the weight loss tips that you hear from everyday. Every physic is not the same and therefore it may not work for you. If you have a healthy mind, you can definitely get a healthy body.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
An adorable Yesterday

Though all days are fine and good,
A whole day near my dear one,
was awesome and splendid.
One of the most long awaited day too…
I had a happy morning and a happy noon,
Evening and nite equally and
Even more, made be happy,
As I had him whole day long wit me;
I felt my heart lite and joyful,
As we ate together; had a nap together;
And shared lots of fun together;
nothing ever could match up to all thz.
The lovely evening walk could compensate to
nothing else in the world.
I was soooo involved in u, tat I could make my mind
to nothing else, but only for u;
even nonsense stuff sounds interesting
wen discussed wit u;
Not words could completely mean
my pleasure and joy, though thz juz a piece of it.
Lots more in heart, making me happy and happy
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
To my dear and near one;

100th lovely day
A century of adoring days and
A millennium of happiness
Has filled our life, juz within these 100 days;
Days, these, are close to our heart.
The bond of marriage brought us together,
But not just tat relationship retains in our life.
U mean more than tat to me, my dear.
U, to me, is a good friend to share and
a loving husband to care, and
Of course, my enemy too, wen my mind toggles to fight.
The day I saw u, u were juz a stranger,
The moment I knew u well, u became close to me,
However, today, on this 100th day, I would proudly say,
U mean the whole world to me.
My love for u, is not indefinable,
as I have one thousand reasons, to love u so very much.
For the way u understand me and the best care u take of me.
Each of my action is upon
which gives me the courage to keep going.
As these 100 yesterdays, I want u in my life, in all my tomorrows.
I am bestowed in the shelter of
which makes me feel safe and protected.
You have given all the bests in my life, a best family too…
Thanks for being such a lovely husband, and keep persisting!!!